2015+ AutoSync Installation Guides
AutoSync quick-start guides
AutoSync G2 next-generation instructions
AutoSync first generation instructions
- Firmware v2.00-v2.11
- Firmware v2.20-v2.48
- Firmware v3.00+ (same instructions/features as AutoSync G2, above)
NOTE: If your AutoSync is firmware v1.99 or below, you will have to send your AutoSync in to us for a one-time update and hard reset. If your AutoSync is on firmware v2.00-v2.48, it may or may not have to be sent in.
Some extremely old AutoSync's (pre-May 2018 roughly) cannot be updated and are obsolete/End-Of-Life/no longer supported
NOTE: If you have a 2017+ vehicle, you must first perform the 2017+ wiring mod before using your AutoSync, CLICK HERE!
YouTube DIY to further assist with the 2017+ SDGM bypass harness installation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MP02fEFSeQ
YouTube video showing SDGM location under dash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwV2SI-FNFE
YouTube DIY explaining the tailgate backup camera wiring modification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB-QMF7z_WY&t=119s